Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
The best of both worlds.
The DAF CF Hybrid trucks are equipped with a 10.8l PACCAR MX-11 diesel engine and a ZF electric motor integrated with a special ZF TraXon gearbox for hybrid drivelines.
The electric motor is driven by a 85 kWh battery pack which recharges when the diesel engine is being used. When the battery is fully charged, the truck – depending on the total weight – has an electric range of up to 50 kilometres, which is more than enough to travel in and out of urban areas.
HEV or Hybrid Electric Vehicles – they combine the best of both worlds: fully electric in urban areas and clean diesel technology everywhere else. DAF has been testing this very promising technology, one that has the important advantage of being adaptable to almost every situation.
DAF starts field test
with CF Hybrid.
Marcel Pater (Peter Appel Transport):
“Together with our client, Albert Heijn, we are always looking for ways to reduce our CO₂ footprint.
In town we are now fully electric, thanks to the DAF CF Hybrid, and the truck’s diesel engine means it can travel to and from the different distribution centres without any problems.”
DAF starts field test
with CF Hybrid.
Marcel Pater (Peter Appel Transport):
“Together with our client, Albert Heijn, we are always looking for ways to reduce our CO₂ footprint.
In town we are now fully electric, thanks to the DAF CF Hybrid, and the truck’s diesel engine means it can travel to and from the different distribution centres without any problems.”
Meeting stricter
emissions regulations.
From 2025 onwards, several European cities will only allow zero-emission commercial vehicles in city centres.
For heavy and medium-duty trucks that clock up most of their mileage outside of urban areas, hybrid technology is the perfect solution for this restriction.
Fully electric driving ensures zero emissions in urban centres, while clean diesel technology offers maximum range and flexibility outside cities.
DAF Hybrid
technology history.
DAF has a long track record in hybrid technology. In 2010, we developed the LF Hybrid which had a fully electric range of 2 kilometres.
Our experimental XF Hybrid was developed in 2012 and was capable of 1.5 kilometres of fully electric driving.
The DAF Convenient, named after a 2016 EU-funded project, was a hybrid test vehicle that achieved improved fuel efficiency and a fully electric driving range of 3 to 6 kilometres.
In 2017, the EU EcoChamps project produced a hybrid with improved fuel efficiency and a fully electric driving range of 10 kilometres at reduced cost and weight.
John Kessels
Domain Owner Hybrid/Electric Powertrains