E van Wijk turns 22

E van Wijk Group has turned 22 years old. We are a group of 4 companies, which provide integrated transport solutions to haulers.


We began 22 years ago, when International Transport E van Wijk was first formed, on July 29th 1992. It was the second private road transport undertaking in Cluj-Napoca.  For that time, a standing partnership with a Dutch entity was genuinely a fresh development. In the first 6 months of activity, the company was already hauling goods along the main transport routes in Romania. The natural step forward was international haulage, connecting Romania to Western Europe. 1996 marks the year of our collaboration with DAF Trucks N.V. in the Netherlands, first as a DAF After-Sales Dealer. However, in 1997, E van Wijk becomes the exclusive DAF dealer in Romania.

Today, Logistic E van Wijk provides complete and integrated services of international haulage and logistics, with a wide range of specialties and a clear vision: We deliver as promised!

-INTERNATIONAL HAULING (Benelux, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Great Britain), full truck or partial transports, with a high degree of competence in carrying large items and dangerous goods;
-REGIONAL TRANSPORT AND DISTRIBUTION (regular routes Hungary – Romania – Bulgaria, daily routes Cluj – Bucharest)
-PROFESSIONAL WAREHOUSING AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT – in the 3 logistic warehouses (Cluj-Napoca – 7000 m2, Bucharest – 6000 m2 and Arad – under construction);
We are part of a European logistics group, with a 300 truck fleet and 3 main operational centres in the Netherlands, Romania and Ukraine.

EUROPAEXPEDIȚIE is a freight forwarder for the European haulage business.
Today, the company serves 800 subcontractors, 400 of which are permanent subcontractors who, in 2013 alone, conducted 4,200 operations. EUROPAEXPEDIȚIE is a reputed forwarder, acting in a difficult economic environment, nevertheless gaining its partners’ trust with expertise, dynamics and flexibility.
Over 65 % of our customers use DAF vehicles. The company undergoes annual auditing procedures, as per IWAY standards.
EVW HOLDING offers integrated services to our carrier customers through five business divisions:
– NEW TRUCK SALES DIVISION: excusive DAF importer and dealer in Romania, Isuzu dealer in Romania;
– USED TRUCK SALES DIVISION: sales of all truck brands and models;
– SERVICE DIVISION: network of 10 service shops for commercial vehicles; authorised DAF and Isuzu service shop, multi-brand service – maintenance & repair for all vehicle makes and models;
– TRUCK PARTS DIVISION:  OE and after-market parts for all truck makes and models;
– TRUCK TYRES DIVISION: premium and second-line tyres for all vehicles types, Bandag retreaded tyres. This division owns the Bandag tyre retreading plant located in Gilau.

The company has its seat in Gilau, Cluj County and owns branches in 10 Romanian cities: Arad, Bacau, Brasov, Braila, Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta, Craiova, Gilau and Iasi, as well as a regional office in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Turbo’s Hoet Romania is the result of the successful partnership between Turbo’s Hoet Belgium and EVW Holding Romania. Turbo’s Hoet Romania distributes turbochargers, new and second hand as well. The company is quality-oriented, delivering prompt and professional responses to customer requests. Turbo’s Hoet Romania is currently the only Honeywell Master Distributor for Garrett in Romania, and as a member of the Turbo’s Hoet Group, is a first line distributor for all the best turbocharger manufacturers (Borg Warner – brands like 3K Turbolader and Schwitzer – , Holset, Mitsubishi, IHI). The company offers solutions for a wide range of applications: cars, commercial vehicles, agricultural equipment, construction vehicles, rolling stock, crafts, industrial equipment (power units, pumping units). Basically. the company supplies turbocharges for any supercharged engine.
MUNDIA Association is a foundation that wishes to improve the lives of suffering people. We want to be an active part of a prosperous, healthy community, where its members can live a normal, decent life. The mission of Mundia Association is to prevent, re-establish and preserve the health of society’s disadvantaged categories, through medical projects, surgeries or direct sponsorships. The purpose of Mundia Association is to offer the chance for a new life, by improving people’s health.
Our goal is to become the full-service partner for every haulier in Romania and Moldova. Through our efforts, which are constantly focused on development, we are looking to integrate, as efficiently as possible, viable solutions in a system designed to meet all our partners’ needs. We bear a responsibility toward our employees and we try to provide them with the ideal environment for a safe future, in which, hand in hand, we can offer viable forward-thinking solutions. We also have a responsibility toward the society we live in. Therefore, through our Mundia Association, we contribute to the improvement of the quality of life for sight-impaired children. Furthermore, we are responsible towards the environment and we are constantly searching for ecological and sustainable solutions.